The activities of TEMPUS are the design of isothermal cases, boxes and similar materials made of plastic materials, according to the needs and aspiraƟons of the company and according to legal and regulatory provisions.
TEMPUS is committed to cover timely and in the best possible way, proposing the appropriate technical solution for the needs of its customers, to have high quality products, complying with the applicable legal & regulatory provisions.
TEMPUS achieves the above through:
- the continuous measurement, monitoring and review by the Management of the measurable parameters of the processes, which have been set and the allocation of the required resources for their improvement,
- regular communication with clients and maintaining excellent and stable relationships of mutual cooperation for the timely diagnosis of their needs,
- the proper monitoring and provision of reliable solutions and proposals, after a thorough study of the specialized needs / problems of each client,
- the monitoring & observance of the legislative and other requirements concerning the said provision of services.
- the continuous training and information of the staff it employs, encouraging its staff to make suggestions for improvement.
- Ensuring the necessary resources for the operation of the company.
- the daily monitoring and maintenance of stocks and the possibility of immediate receipt of the preparations,
- the supply and use of the necessary and certified means of personal protection by the specialized staff.
- communicating with external stakeholders and responding promptly to their expectations and emergency situations.
- the control of threats and opportunities resulting from the implementation of its procedures.
- the implementation of a quality management system for all its processes, according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.